Thanh: I don't think that one type of art is superior to another because both require great talent and energy on the part of the artist. Each type of art has their own uniqueness and do not show superiority.
Dennis: I do not believe an individual can rate a type of art more superior than another as the same amount of effort, creativity and diligence can be put into either type. Even though we may have a personal preference in one type it does not justify making claims as to which type is better solely based on our feelings and beliefs.
Ragale: As I said before, I do not believe any type of art is superior to another. Each one requires a great deal of mental and physical work. For a sculptor you have to create your masterpiece in front of you, while a painter has to create their art piece on paper. In order to do each piece of work you must have some sort of skill work within and you must be talented with your hands.
Minh & Jarrod: In conclusion, we come to agree that every art have it own beauty no one art is superior than other.
Do you think a discussion such as the paragone is useful?
Thanh: The paragone discussion is useful because it gives arguments on both sides and helps one artist to understand what the other experiences, helping both to better appreciate each other's art.
Dennis: I believe this discussion was quite useful because it was quite interesting to read the opinions of other students regarding their experience and the assigned reading. It gave the project more depth.
Ragale: The paragone would be more useful to me if it didn’t showcase the arrogance of the artist. While I only read the one supplied by Leonardo, it would’ve been nice to read others to get their opinions as well.
Minh & Jarrod: In conclusion, we consider this discussion to be useful. The discussion open our mind to other idea and experiences.
How did your week as an artist influence your interpretation of this reading?
Thanh: My week as an artist helped me realize that some of the arguments that Da Vinci brought up were not necessarily good arguments because both types of art should be much appreciated.
Dennis: Lastly, being put in the shoes of an artist opened up a whole window of respect for this refined skill. It was also quite easy to relate to the readings as some of the things explained were directly correlated with the work I had to do.
Ragale: My short lived time as an artist did not give me time to appreciate what Leonardo wrote. I was only able to experience one side of his argument and could not put myself in his shoes. My own experience made me appreciate what an artist does but I was not pleased to read about how they feel one art is better than another.
Minh & Jarrod: In conclusion, we are more closely relate to the artists and much more appreciative of their work after the project.
Answer: We all come to an agreement for question one; we do not believe an individual can rate a type of art more superior than another as the same amount of effort, creativity and diligence can be put into either type. Question two we also agree on, which we believe this discussion was quite useful. Question three we also agree on that we are more closely relate to the artists and much more appreciative of their work after the project.
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